My Mother’s homemade Punjabi Choley Masala takes Punjabi Pindi Choley to a new level all together. It infuses the Choley or Garbanzo with Authentic Punjabi Flavour as well as gives it a dark enriching colour. I have inherited this recipe from Mommy and it never fails me.  Simply dry roast the spices and to perfection. You can store this for a long time, a must for your kitchen cabinet.


1. Put Cumin, Pomegranate dry seeds or Anardana, Coriander Seeds, Cloves, Whole Black Pepper, Black Cardamom, Nutmeg or Jaiphal and Cinnamon or Dalchini in a flat bottom pan for dry roasting.


2. Dry roast them on medium low flame for 5-8 minutes. Keep stiring so that the spices are not over roasted.


3. Let the spices cool down a bit. Transfer them to a dry grinder or coffee grinder to grind it into a semi coarse powder.


Transfer it into an air tight container. Stays good for a very long time.

Use them to make your favourite Punjabi Pindi Choley.


[yumprint-recipe id=’68’]


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